In the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty, we learn that Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, had a great fall, and “all the Kings horses and all the Kings men” couldn’t put Humpty together again. What a bummer!! ALL of the Kings men, and…nothing? Doesn’t seem right.
After having four kids in four years I was convinced it would take "all the kings horses and all the kings men" to put me back together again, possibly with the same grim result as Humpty. After all, our physiques were similar, with the addition of my pronounced bat wings. All it took was a tiny, magical genius with an extensive DVD collection: Tracy Anderson.
Tracy Anderson is the creator of the Tracy Anderson Method or “TAM”, a workout that aims to balance and strengthen the body by targeting the accessory muscles. The method consists of two parts: Dance Cardio and Mat work (arms, legs abs). She has many versions of the product with varying price points. From a single DVD to a series of DVD’s that change every 10 days to the Streaming Workout that changes every week, there is something for everyone. The workout always has the same components, but the moves themselves change to keep your muscles guessing thus avoiding a plateau. She advocates balance and connection to your body more than just how it looks. Check out the selection on her website,
Tracy Anderson is often referred to as a “celebrity trainer” because she has helped shape the bodies of a lot of very pretty, famous people from coast to coast. Google her and you’ll get the idea.
While it can be an inspiration that Tracy Anderson is responsible for the bods of so many famous people, I have spent enough digital time with her to know that she is most interested in helping the "Every Woman" connect to her body. I am most certainly in the "Every Woman" category. I don’t need to tone up for a photo shoot, I just want to feel confident in my jeans (leggings).
I cannot exaggerate or overstate the impact her workout had on my body, my mind and my spirit. Tracy’s method just plain WORKS. I saw changes in my body right away and, over time, began to trust that this woman knew what she was doing. I credit her alone with getting my belly button back to it’s original spot and removing cellulite (I swear) from my legs. Tracy is a master at getting rid of the back-fat muffin top and has gotten me to a place where I am willing to wave in a tank top. I have a pelvic floor again. She has a reputation as the “Organic Plastic Surgeon”, and I would concur.
SEVEN years later and I am as committed now as I was in the beginning. The funniest part about my consistency is that, like many women, I wouldn't consider myself someone who LOVES to workout. But I do love fitting into my jeans and being able to wear a bathing suit on short notice. Of all the workouts I've tried, Tracy keeps me the most interested because it changes every week. As a woman who pays attention to the soulful side of things, I like that Tracy talks much, much more about balance and connection than she does about a fit physique, yet you still get the fit physique. You also get the ability to eat more than a carrot for dinner. Somebody call the King, there's hope for Humpty yet!
Note to pregnant women or women planning on getting pregnant: Tracy has a set of DVDs she calls the Pregnancy Project. Sadly, she did this after I had my four kids. Hearing about it almost enticed me into having another child. My husband thought it was a tad irrational. I'm still not sure. Check it out!
Tracy Anderson Method is the workout for you IF:
- You like home workouts. For me, a home workout is essential to working out consistently. I can’t have a commute or bad weather or any external excuse to bail because I will take them! I often do this workout with my children milling about asking for things. If you’re the type that needs to leave the house and you don’t live in NY or LA, TAM may not work for you.
- You’re ready to do the work. Tracy recommends you do this workout 4-6 times per week. You’ve got to want it. You’ve got to be ready to move from the mindset “I hope I have time to workout tomorrow” to looking at your day and figuring out when you’re going to get it done. You can do this. Nap time. While you watch Scream Queens. If you’re up to date on any show, you have time to do the work. I started TAM when I had a 4, 3, 2 and 0 year-old with no nanny. You can do this.
- You like to dance. The dance cardio can be a bitch to follow, and I even grew up dancing and learning combinations. Once you get it, though, you’ll be dangerous on the dance floor! You don’t have to be a GREAT dancer, but you do have to at least like it.
- You think bootcamps are boring. Don’t get me wrong, TAM is HARD. But it’s not squats and burpies boring/hard. Tracy aims to engage your mind as well as your muscles, so half the time you are in strange positions swinging and lifting and pulsing and you have no idea which muscles you’re using. I like that I don't have to wonder if I "got" my quads or triceps or whatever. All you know is that you’re sweating like crazy and would like it to stop. She got your quads.
- You're down with not being cued. Tracy doesn't talk during the workouts. She wants you connecting to the music and your body with no interruptions. You have to be comfortable with a follow-the-leader approach. With her streaming workout there is a breakdown of the leg moves so you can make sure you have proper form.
All of Tracy Anderson's videos will do the trick, but the streaming is the most satisfying of all the options. The music is AWESOME, the moves are the latest and greatest, and you get the feel of being in a real class. There is a beginner level and a regular level. The downside is the price. Because I know that I am committed to the Tracy Anderson Method, the price winds up being something like $3 a workout. If the price is too steep, start with the Metamorphosis or the Continuity Series and see if you like it first.